Yes, this is an Audi self-driving flying taxi car drone'thing

By topgear, 30 November 2018

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Who’s ready to play future technology buzzword bingo?

What happens when carmaker Audi, planemaker Airbus and car styling house Italdesign unite to create the most futuristic techno-mobility vehicle possible?

In a word, this. The Audi Flying Taxi Concept, set to be presented at Amsterdam’s Drone Week exhibition. An electric car – which can drive itself – and be collected by a pilotless electric drone for airborne traffic dodging. Brave new world…

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Isn’t this a bit of a big leap to make in one concept? ‘Nein’, according to says Dr. Bernd Martens, president of the Audi-owned Italdesign. “Flying taxis are on the way. We at Audi are convinced of that”, Bernd says.

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“More and more people are moving to cities. And more and more people will be mobile thanks to automation. In the future, senior citizens, children, and people without a driver’s license will want to use convenient robot taxis.”

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The craft you see in the gallery above isn’t yet ready to carry a hapless human: it’s a quarter-scale model. Maybe Audi could use it to ferry pets. It appears to work, at least – Audi says that in the Flying Taxi’s first public test “the flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously”.

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There’s no word on what it did then. Did it return? Did it attain self-awareness and elope, Ex Machina style, into society? Probably not, since Audi reckons this drone/claw arcade game hybrid could be in service in major cities within a decade.

If it stops over-grilled cars tailgating aggressively, we’re all for it…

STORY Ollie Kew