EV Weekend Roundup

EV Weekend 2021 Roundup
Singapore - It’s been about two weeks since EV Weekend, Singapore’s first and largest electric vehicle event organised by UCARS, drew to a close. And us TopGear Singapore staffers are just coming down from the high of having been a part of the largest car show in recent times.

In light of the pandemic, motor shows both local and abroad were cancelled as safe distancing measures were imposed. Grated, EV Weekend might not have been an event of the same scale and grandeur as an international auto show, but that did little to stop the throng of visitors.

The event saw The Forum at Resorts World Sentosa abuzz with a hubbub of activity, with thousands of people descending upon Singapore’s island getaway for a much needed…… well, getaway.
Men, women, children and even furiends (that definitely weren’t barking in wild abandon) were gazing at the wide array of electric vehicles on display, eager to have a closer look at the interior of the shiny new cars.

For viewers who preferred gazing at the cars from the comfort of home, the EV Weekend event website even had a virtual showroom for online visitors to get a good look at the details of the cars on display. However judging by the 10,000+ people who visited EV Weekend from the 3rd to the 12th of December, we figured people were more interested in seeing the cars for themselves. Or test driving them.
And test drive they did.

On the 10th of December, the drop off points saw a flurry of shiny new EVs ferrying test drive customers to and from the Forum. In total, the event saw a total of 300 test drives from Friday through the weekend til Sunday night.

In addition to the car displays, virtual showroom and test drive sessions, UCARS also hosted an EV Weekend Brand and Media night on the 9th December, with a livestream of the night’s proceedings on the EV Weekend website.
The banquet saw brand presentations and panel discussions about electric vehicles from industry and ownership perspectives with numerous speakers, moderated by CarBuyer Singapore's managing editor and chief editor, Leow Ju-len and Derryn Wong.
The brand presentations included speeches by Rudi Venter, Head of Marketing at Audi Singapore; Lars Nielsen, Managing Director of BMW Group Asia; and Mr Claudius Steinhoff, President and CEO of Daimler Southeast Asia and Mercedes-Benz Singapore.

All told, the event garnered a combined reach of almost 2.4 million across UCARS’ Facebook and Instagram pages, with almost 400,000 video views for EV Weekend related content. All of it wouldn’t have been successful without the combined efforts of UCARS, CarBuyer Singapore, TopGear Singapore, all brand partners and sponsors.

On that note, we would like to thank all visitors, photographers and attendees who came down to EV Weekend from the 3rd to 12th of December 2021. Without your support, this event wouldn’t have been what it is. And we’ll have great things in store for 2022’s iteration. Until then, stay tuned.
And happy holidays.